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          WB Institute of Statistics Project Acceptance & Handover Ceremony Held in the Republic of the Congo

          Release Time:2024-1-25 18:33:23

          Recently, the WB Institute of Statistics project contracted by WIETC successfully passed the preliminary inspection and a handover ceremony was held.

          Handing over the project keys to the Owner

                  Located in the MPILA area of Brazzaville, the capital city of the Republic of the Congo, the owner of the project is the Ministry of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration of the Republic of the Congo. The fund comes from the World Bank. The construction was hosted by PSTAT jointly established by the government of the Republic of the Congo and the World Bank, and was undertaken by WIETC Republic of Congo Company. The construction consists of three parts: the complex building with six above-ground levels and one underground level, the Statistics and Planning Application Center with two above-ground levels, and ancillary works such as outdoor roads, water facilities, power facilities and walls.

          Complex building of the Institute of Statistics upon completion

                  The project was completed at the end of August 2023. After one month of technical acceptance and several pre-inspections by the World Bank delegation, the preliminary inspection and handover ceremony finally came on September 30. The ceremony was jointly organized by the Ministry of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration of the Republic of the Congo and WIETC Republic of Congo Company. Officials from the Republic of the Congo who attended the ceremony were Director of the General Office of the Ministry of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration of the Republic of the Congo, representative of the World Bank, coordinator of the project management agency, adviser to the Premier, Minister of the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of Planning. General Manager Xu Yunzhi and Deputy General Manager Zhao Baojun of WIETC Republic of Congo Company and project participants attended the ceremony. On the day of acceptance, WIETC Republic of Congo Company handed over the project key and completion materials to the Owner. Both parties jointly signed the acceptance report. Representatives of all parties of the WIETC Republic of Congo Company expressed their affirmation of the company’s construction quality, organizing and management ability. They also conveyed their willingness to engage in long-term collaboration with the company.

          Group photo of all parties involved in the project construction after the handover

          The Institute of Statistics will greatly improve the working and training conditions for the Ministry of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration of the Republic of the Congo, and further enhance the statistical and planning development capabilities of the Republic of the Congo, promoting local economic and social development.

          Copyright:Weihai International Economic & Technical Cooperative Co., Ltd.(c) Address :16 Tongyi Road, Weihai City, China  Lu ICP, number 12002982, -3 TEL:86-0631-5233588  FAX:86-0631-5224345  Lu public network security 37100202000269Number  Technical Support:Aosion
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