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          ADD: 16 Tongyi Road, Weihai City, China

          TEL: 86-0631-5233588

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          Current Location:Home > News center > Company news

          Building a Bridge of Development and Prosperity-- Madagascar RN12A Highway project

          Release Time:2024-7-4 17:35:48

          Bridge of Development

                  The Menarandra River, more than two hundred meters wide, separates the inhabitants living on its sides. Except for the occasional diesel barges, the river mostly sees residents travelling by canoe. Occasionally, people fall into the water, lose money or even die. When heavy rains come during the hurricane season, the two sides are completely cut off.

          Canoe is the main means of transportation

          As the Madagascar RN12A Highway project comes, it is likely to change the challenging transportation across the river. The project, located near the city of Vangaindrano in the southeast region of Madagascar, is a 35-kilometer asphalt road, including a three-span 109.6-meter reinforced concrete bridge and a six-span 220-meter bridge.

          The construction of the bridge is underway: the trestle has been completed, the pile foundation has been started, the first T beam was set successfully and the bridge was completed. Madagascar engineer BENALA, who joined the construction team at the early stage of the project, said: “As a native, it is very exciting and fortunate to witness every key construction milestone of the bridge and to see the completion, acceptance and delivery of the whole project in the near future.” The Chinese translator of the project summed it up in a Chinese proverb “come at the right time”.

          After experiencing the hardships of difficult transportation, we believe that in the future, local people represented by BENALA can deliver fresh local specialties smoothly, and children can go to school regardless of bad weather. Perhaps they still vaguely remember that this bridge of development bearing hope is related to a group of Chinese people with yellow skin.

          The trestle is under construction

          The trestle is fully completed

          A bridge makes transportation easy

          Convenient road

          “ I had never seen such a bad road...said the young intern who went abroad for the first time. According to him, “The bumpy road almost made my bones scattered.” His colleagues, who had been there longer, just smiled, while the local staff showed helpless and wry smiles.

          The road part of the Madagascar RN12A Highway project is only 35 kilometers. However, due to rain blisters, potholes in the dry season, and vehicles stranding in the rainy season, completing this section of the road takes at least five or six hours of driving in the dry season and one or two days in the rainy season. Mature lychee, clove, pepper and fresh aquatic products often cannot be shipped out in time. Tthe sick and injured also find it difficult to be sent to the hospital.

          Local road conditions during the rainy season

          After the project team entered, they overcame the difficulties and completed the construction of 7 kilometers of road in the south. This section of the road was greatly widened, the smooth pavement was closely protected by the asphalt concrete layer, and the potholes and mud disappeared. When completed, it will become a veritable national highway, with travel time reduced from five or six hours to 40 minutes. The smooth economic artery will ensure the exchange of needed goods, the free circulation of labor, effectively drive the development of agriculture and fishery in the areas along the line, invigorate the economic operation of the surrounding areas, and become a prosperous road for the local people to achieve a good life.

          The construction workers working hard in the hot sun

          The completed road is open and flat, leading to a promising future

                  In the setting sun, we occasionally see energetic children chasing each other on the unfinished but smooth road blanks. On closer inspection, most of the children are barefoot. The work of road workers becomes meaningful when they see children running and jumping in the happiest time, not afraid of being hurt or sprained.

          Innocent and lively children

          Public welfare

          While doing their own work well, the project team actively participated in public welfare activities, helping solve local development bottlenecks such as lagging infrastructure, insufficient materials and equipment, and shortage of funds. They actively promoted infrastructure, education, equality, sports, environmental protection and other projects benefiting the people, receiving widespread praise. They organize two monthly campaigns in two different rural communities to combat domestic violence, protect children, prevent AIDS and other diseases and promote road traffic safety. During Womens Day, they donated to women's associations in five surrounding cities. And they donated to athletes participating in the community football challenge; cleaned and reinforced community venues and donated iron pieces to repair pontoon bridges.

          Promoting AIDS prevention

          Publicizing the protection of children's rights and interests

          Donating to women’s associations in five surrounding cities

          Cleaning and reinforcing the community


          Donating to athletes participating in the Community Football Challenge

          Donating iron pieces to restore the pontoon bridge east of Menarandra River facing the beach

          WEITC will continue to work hard, in the spirit of “building a project and a monument”, to move ahead despite all difficulties and contribute to deepening the building of China-Africa community of shared future.

          Copyright:Weihai International Economic & Technical Cooperative Co., Ltd.(c) Address :16 Tongyi Road, Weihai City, China  Lu ICP, number 12002982, -3 TEL:86-0631-5233588  FAX:86-0631-5224345  Lu public network security 37100202000269Number  Technical Support:Aosion
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